Monday, December 15, 2008

Tag From Deena

Salam...owh..mase terluang ni ade,so nak jawb tag ah.

Tag ni daripada Deena. hee..rajin die tag,tapi dah agak lame die tag,aku ingat dalam bln november camtuh kot.sowweee...

so,i serve here.

1. do you think you're hot?

yes...i'm really hot..when i got fever..wahaha

2. Upload your fav pict of you.

3. why do you like that picture?

because....this is Sparta!!!..opps,sorry...bcause it is Cassettaaaa!!i think its cool rite?i am addicting myself to oldcassette.

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?

erm...on the 4th of May, Jusco Ipoh.huh,so far from my hometown.

5. What was the last song you listen to?

You make it real - James Morrison (but u shoudnt take the lyrics srriously,it just a lyrics,doesnt mean anything or make changes)

6. What were you doing right now besides this?

replying my SMS and still SMSing.hahaha

7. what name would you prefer besides yours?

no,i dont have.i dont think i got one.

okay, proceeding, five people kene tag. siapa?

1.not in list

2.same with no 1.

3.refer to no.2

4.look at no 3. and then try to look at no 5.

5.look at no.1

1 comment:

mrblind said...

tag lagi..hampir 90 peratus blog dah kena tag..gua dah boring layan mende2 jadah ni..hahaha